BTDSys PeerEnv


Put BTDSys PeerEnv.dll in your Gear\Effects folder.


PeerEnv is an envelope follower, which may control any other machine in Buzz.


Global (machine) parameters

Track parameters


Other notes


If you have comments or suggestions, or if you find any bugs please email me.
This machine is DONATIONWARE, so if you like it, send me something cool (eg CDs, hardware, money etc). Email for details of how to get stuff to me.
Also visit my website (y'know, if you're bored).

Thanks to everyone who alpha tested this machine, especially Juri Puumala, K.M. Krebs and Cameron Bonde (Vectrex) for ideas and stuff, and whoever else I forgot.

Docs and code ⌐Ed Powley (BTDSys), July/August 2002